MORE MIREIA FARRES Princiapal Trumpet, Barcelona Symphony Orchestra
By Dave Monette
Back in the 1990’s Charlie Schlueter started telling me about his student from Barcelona, Mireia Farres. Soon after being introduced to Charlie’s playing, she moved to Boston and started studying with Charlie at the New England Conservatory of Music. In my phone conversations with Charlie and on my periodic visits to Boston, Charlie would tell me about this young student who could play anything he put on the stand. ANYTHING! And he kept telling me that she sounded better than anyone else in the school - not to mention better than most fulltime professionals!
Finally in November 2009, I got to meet Mireia in person during the Brazilian Trumpet Conference Heinz Schwebel hosted in Salvador. Mireia has been a Monette client for years, but even after hearing Charlie sing her praises for years, I was not fully prepared for what I heard down in Brazil when Mireia played!
Mireia took delivery of her new PRANA 3 C TRUMPET on this trip, and she played a full recital on the horn less than 24 hours after receiving the new instrument! Check out the links to several videos of this performance elsewhere on this page. She also played the braces off Charlie’s new SAMADHI, as you can hear in one of the Brazil collage videos also found on this page.
Thanks for the great music Mireia, and for playing Monette equipment!
Mireia Recital Neruda - Concerto E-flat I & II |
Mireia Recital Neruda - Concerto E-flat III |
Mireia Recital Manuel de Falla - Peças:#1, 4, 5, 7 |
Mireia Recital Ravel - Pièce en forme d'habanera |