1. Introduction
2. Response
3. Pitch Center
4. Body Use
5. Pitch Center of Instruments
6. Resonance
7. Sound Components
8. Brightness
9. Room Acoustics
10. Impedance

Sound Concept and Resonance

In his work in the music field, Dave Monette has found much common ground in discussions with leading players about what makes a quality sound, although the terms used by many players to express musical concepts vary tremendously. The system described in the next five sections provides a vocabulary to talk about musical changes players experience in their equipment, as well as a vocabulary to discuss broader musical concepts in general.

In this section we will review one possible system for identifying the components, or “parts” of sound that can be observed in brass instrument performance. This system was devised by David Monette early in his career, based on his practical experiences playing, designing, and building instruments for many top players.

Monette found that changing specific physical parameters in an instrument changes the sound produced when playing an instrument—and changes it in a totally predictable way. The system described below has provided David Monette, his co-workers, and his clients with a vocabulary to talk about musical changes they may be looking for in their equipment, as well as a vocabulary to discuss broader musical concepts in general. Some of the text from this section is taken from our first instrument catalog, written in 1987. In presenting this material, we do not presume to offer the ultimate or definitive discussion of sound concept. This material is simply presented in an attempt to improve our musical communication with clients.

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