Acclimation Tips
If you use Monette mouthpieces with the same physical approach and sound concept that you are used to with your old mouthpiece, you will be working too hard to obtain optimum results. The following tips are based on our experience with thousands of players. They will help you make the transition quickly and easily to a more efficient, resonant approach to playing. Dont play high on the pitch. After years of working with many great artists, part-time performers, and amateur players from all over the world, it is not an exaggeration to say that probably 99 out of every 100 players we meet play high on the pitch. This is not the fault of the players, but rather a result of what we have all had to learn physically in our body use to compensate for the inconsistencies inherent in conventional equipment. Playing with this extra tension in the body negates most of the advantages our mouthpieces offer. Virtually every player we meet plays to some degree with his or her head in front of their spine rather than over their spine. Most also play with their heads tilted up, compressing the back of the necks. Both of these practices block the throat, and cause the player to play high on the pitch. Here are some tips for overcoming these habitual patterns of body use: Tips:
For more information and tips, please see the section on Pitch Center, Body Use, and Resonance. Proceed to tip Think lower = higher >>
6918 NE 79th Court Portland, Oregon 97218 USA (503)255-5552 FAX (503)255-5593
Copyright ©2005 David G. Monette Corporation